Initial consultation agreement

Before an initial consultation can proceed, we are required to enter into a written consultation agreement with any potential client.

You are deemed to agree to enter into this agreement if you accept and attend the appointment with the RCIC.

This agreement is between

Client (you)



Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC)
as an employee of Espace Harmony Immigration Inc.

Name: Zhan T. Zhang
Registration Number: R731303
Address (registered or express mail):

PO BOX 99900 JR 570 761

Telephone: +1 780 652 0819
Email: [email protected]

Scope of consultation

Within the time limit (up to 45 minutes), the initial consultation serves to:

  1. allow the RCIC to clarify the client’s needs and to identify the client’s options,
  2. answer the client’s pertinent questions based on available information, and
  3. discuss the next steps, including the possibility of engaging the RCIC as a representative subject to a service agreement and the terms and fees.

Preliminary document review (up to 20 minutes) is included, if the client provides the RCIC with the relevant files at least 48 hours before the initial consultation.

All further consultation is subject to a service agreement.

Consultation fee

The client agrees to pay a fee of $150 (Canadian dollars) to Espace Harmony Immigration Inc., in addition to any tax (e.g. GST/HST/PST) payable.

If, following this initial consultation, the client subsequently engages the RCIC in a service agreement as a representative, the fee paid for this initial consultation will be applied as a credit the first invoice under that service agreement. Only one initial consultation fee may be credited for any one client.


The RCIC is a member of and is regulated by the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants ( and subject to its rules and by-laws, as well as the Code of Professional Conduct for College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants Licensees (SOR/2022-128).

The College regulates immigration and citizenship consultants in the public interest and protects the public by (a) establishing and administering qualification standards, standards of practice, and continuing education requirements for licensees, (b) ensuring compliance with the Code of Professional Conduct, and (c) undertaking public awareness activities.

The Client may agree to this agreement by electronic or physical signature, or by accepting and attending the appointment for the initial consultation after being advised of this agreement.